Osteoarthritis symptoms, treatment, a description of the

Diseases of the joints, which arose as a result of degenerative processes in the cartilage, called articular arthrosis suffer. Osteoarthritis takes place in the accompanied by severe pain and the c course of the lowering motion of the joint.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands hand

When osteoarthritis happens defeat and the bone tissue, so the disease is often called osteoarthritis. Delay in treatment can lead to disability. Osteoarthritis carries a chronic character, it begins subtly with rare it is not strong pain in the affected joints. According to the development in these degenerative processes of the pain increasing. Particularly acute is manifested in the movement.

The development of arthrosis

Osteoarthritis more often exposed to older people, because with the passing of years there is a decrease in activity and other disturbances of metabolic processes, to develop endocrine disorders. As a result, reduces the production of specific components in the cartilage of the joints. There are changes in the inter-articular cartilage, bones and soft tissues lose elasticity and the ability to depreciation.

Classification of arthrosis

There are several classifications of arthritis, but its main indicators are the causation of the emergence and degree of the lesion of the joint. Depending on the cause of the allocate primary and secondary osteoarthritis.

Primary osteoarthritis starts its malignant activities in the joints without obvious cause, gradually affects many joints. The exact causes of the emergence of this kind of arthritis has not yet been revealed. It is believed that one of the factors provoking the disease, is a genetic predisposition. Most often the primary form of osteoarthritis is manifested in damage to the joints muslin hands, that is defined in a clearly expressed nodular deformity of the phalanx. This form of arthritis is characteristic for people over forty years of age.

The secondary form of osteoarthritis affects the joints, regardless of the age of a person. The reasons for its occurrence may be permanent, reinforced load on the joints, the defeat of the already affected joint other injuries of various kinds. In addition, the causes of arthrosis secondary forms may be disorders of the endocrine and metabolic processes, a variety of necrosis, inflammatory diseases, rheumatoid arthritis.

High load, which means the development of arthritis observed in people obese, runners, football players, ballerinas and other Secondary arthrosis affects one or more joints of the spine and/or extremities. The boundary between the primary and secondary joint arthrosis suffer from very thin. There are three stages of progression of the arthrosis, the user-according to the severity of the disorder process. There is even a fourth of the steppe, where there is a strong deformation of the affected joint, which may cause complete immobility and developmental disability.

Treatment of arthrosis

In addition, there are classification of arthrosis in place, the form and mind of the localization of the destructive process of cartilage. The symptoms of arthrosis are pain, sometimes crunching in the joints during movement, swelling, reaction to the change in weather. The pain appears not only in the joints, but also in the surrounding soft tissues.

Causes deformation of the flow arthrosis

Deforming arthrosis is osteoarthritis, the most commonly occurring diseases of the joints. When deforming arthrosis of the observed changes in the metabolism and structure of articular cartilage. Happens its deformation, with the changes of the bone tissue. Most often this disease prone to elbow, knees and hip joints. Causes deformation of the flow arthrosis are the same as for secondary osteoarthritis – being overweight, increased load, the injury. In addition, this type of arthritis can occur on the background of varicose veins, weakness of the muscles and ligaments in the shoulder joint. The primary damage to the cartilage, in combination with the inflammatory process, so are the causes of deformation of the flow arthrosis. The disease occurs with severe pain and reduced physical ability.

Osteoarthritis of the small joints of the hands hand

This kind of disease is most typical for women. Many people do not pay attention to the light tingling and burning sensation in the fingers, but in vain. This armor are the first signs of arthrosis of the small joints of the hands the hands. As a result, according to the development of the disease, the feelings disappear, but there will be permanent complications in the form of education on the joints of the fingers thick nodes and deformed type of phalanx. Often when osteoarthritis of the small joints on the hand hand, the phalanges of the fingers are beginning to seem like a spindle. It's a complication bears the name of the reactive synovitis.

This type of arthritis more typical of the primary form of the disease.

Treatment of arthrosis

Treatment of arthritis of the multi-faceted and wears a long character. To the basic principles of treatment of the disease include such measures as restrictions on the burden, therapeutic physical training, the treatment of the relief of pain and inflammatory processes. Antibiotics in arthrosis commonly used, except in cases where it is necessary to remove the inflammatory process, caused by infection of the body itself, and either joint. Antibiotics in osteoarthritis is true, for example, in the case of the occurrence of the disease as a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, in the treatment of arthrosis of the widely used chondroprotector, allowing not only suspend the process, but also to regenerate joint tissue. In a period of sharp deterioration of health due to the deterioration of the arthrosis of the used hormonal preparations – intra-articular makes.

Shockwave therapy in osteoarthritis

Inflammation of the joints

In modern medical practice today to successfully apply the method of Shockwave therapy in osteoarthritis. The essence of the method lies in the use of acoustic waves of low frequency focused on the area of the lesion. When this occurred to reduce the pain syndrome, a rush of blood to the source of the defeat and improve the overall well-being. Occurs, the improvement of metabolism, removal of calcium deposits, increase the strength of the tissue.

The procedure is painless and the improvement of the defined right after the first session. But the use in osteoarthritis Shockwave therapy is necessary to realize that there are a number of contraindications to its use. This method is not recommended in pregnancy, breakage of blood vessels, hemophilia, cancer diseases and in the presence of a pacemaker.

Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis

A necessary condition in the treatment of arthrosis is the use of different types of exercises to prevent atrophy of the muscles and relaxation of the ligaments. Exercises for the treatment of arthrosis are selected individually for each patient by the attending physician and an expert in healing physical education. To exercise released only after the removal of the aggravation, but later 5-6 days after the removal of pain syndrome. The task of exercise for the treatment of arthritis is to restore mobility of the joint, aerobic exercises, increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.

Osteoarthritis is a serious disease. To prevent deformation of the joints should be carefully cares about them - rationally eat, engage in dynamic exercises, forget the bad habits and take vitamin and mineral complexes for maintaining the health of the joints. With the age limit of the unbearable load.